How to prepare to go back to university or college

Heading back to university or college is an exciting yet sometimes overwhelming time, whether you’re a first-year student or returning for another term. Preparing for this transition involves more than just packing your bags. It’s about organising your academic, personal and social life to set yourself up for success.
From sorting out accommodation and budgeting to stocking up on the essential supplies and managing pre-semester/pre-term nerves, there’s a lot to consider. In this guide, you will find practical tips and strategies to ensure you feel confident and ready to hit the ground running as you embark on your academic journey.
How to prepare for university
Preparing for university or college is an exciting step, but it requires careful planning to ensure a smooth transition.
Organising your finances and prepare financially
Create a budget: Plan for tuition/course fees, accommodation rent, food, books and of course, social activities. A top tip is to use budgeting apps to help track your money. You can do this with a spreadsheet; however, this requires a lot more planning.
Set up a student bank account: Many banks offer dedicated student bank accounts, and a lot come with perks, deals and offers that could be beneficial to you. These perks and offers can include interest free overdrafts, cashback on certain retailers, railcards and tastecards. Before you sign up for a student bank account, have a look to see what is the most suitable for you.
Student finance: It is always best to check to see if you’re eligible for student finance.
Reflect on previous experience
When you’re preparing to go back to university or college, it is not just about ticking off a checklist, it is also an opportunity to reflect on your past experiences and set intensions for the year ahead. Think about what worked well last year and what didn’t.
Prepare academically
When you have a number of assignments, projects and deadlines, you need to keep track of these. One of the best ways to do this is by using a task management tool such as Asana or Planner. You can set up your projects and break them down into smaller tasks. This will help you with planning and achieving the deadlines.
One method that you may find useful is the Pomodoro Technique. This is a time management method, which is a very simple, yet effective technique. This is a method of 25 minutes of focused work, followed by a 5-minute break. Repeat this 4 times, then have a longer break of 15-30 minutes.
Set 2 alarms on your phone, one for 5 minute and one for 25 minutes, this means that you won’t be clock watching, which allows you to have the focus you need.
Prepare socially
On a personal level, consider how your social and mental wellbeing were impacted? Do you have ways to cope with these situations or are there areas for improvement needed?
A way to help integrate socially is to join societies, clubs and teams. This will help build your friendship circle of likeminded individuals who share some of the same interests as you.
If you are renting in a student accommodation or halls of residence, make time to go to the communal areas such as the kitchen and cook and talk with your housemates, you never know, they could become lifelong friends.

Prepare to take care of your wellbeing
Taking care of your wellbeing as a student is essential for both academic success and personal happiness. University or college life can be demanding, with coursework submission deadlines, social commitments and financial responsibilities often piling up.
To prepare, you should start by prioritising your own self-care routines that work for you. This could be getting enough sleep, eating balanced meals, staying active and even some quiet time. Your physical health plays a significant role in maintaining your mental and emotional balance, so don’t overlook it’s importance.
Additionally, create a daily schedule that includes downtime for relaxation, hobbies or mindfulness practices such as journaling and meditation to manage stress effectively.
It is crucial to recognise when you might need support and know where you can get the support. Familiarise yourself with the campus resources such as counselling services, wellbeing advisors and peer support groups. If you have access to our Wisdom App, this means that you have access to 24/7 support from Health Assured. Wisdom gives you access 24/7, 365 days a year to counsellors and advisors who can talk you through money worries, managing stress and so much more.
Proactively managing your wellbeing isn’t just about preventing burnout, it’s about thriving during your academic journey and creating a lifestyle that supports your long-term health and happiness.
How to stay motivated at university?
Staying motivated at university or college can be challenging, especially when juggling academic deadlines social commitments and personal responsibilities. One key to maintaining motivation is setting clear, achievable goals.
Break larger tasks, such as coursework into smaller manageable chunks and celebrate your progress along the way and not just at the end.
Using tools such as planner or apps, can help you track your progress and keep organised. Visualise the end goal, is it graduating with a particular grade or with honours, pursuing a dream career or mastering a subject that you’re passionate about, use these end goals to remind yourself of why you’re working hard.
Building a positive environment is equally as important. Surround yourself with supportive peers who encourage you to stay focused and who share similar goals to you. Take breaks to avoid overworking and burnout and incorporate the activities you enjoy recharging your batteries.
If your motivation goes, don’t hesitate to seek help from academic advisors, tutors or the services on campus. Remember, motivation is not a constant, it’s something you can cultivate with the right strategies and mindset. By staying organised, celebrate your achievements, and seek support when you need it, this means you can maintain your drive and succeed throughout your academic journey.
Student Assistance Programme (SAP)
The Student Assistance Programme (SAP) is a comprehensive support service to help students navigate the challenges of academic life while maintaining their mental and emotional wellbeing. SAP provides a 24/7 confidential support, offering a lifeline for students dealing with issues such as stress, anxiety, academic pressures, financial concerns or personal problems.
What is Student Assistance Programme (SAP)
The SAP includes a range of services that are tailored to meet student’s diverse needs. These include counselling sessions which are delivered by qualified professional counsellors, legal and financial advice and resources to support academic success and personal development.
How can the Student Assistance Programme (SAP) help you?
The SAP offers self-help tools such as webinars, articles and wellbeing assessments, allowing you to build resilience and manage the challenges proactively. Another resource available with the Wisdom app is perks and discounts, where you will have access to bespoke discounts from some of the biggest companies in a variety of areas from clothing and footwear to food and drink and even holidays and travel. Check out the Wisdom app for these exclusive discounts.
How to access support on the SAP?
Students can access via the dedicate helpline, which you can call on 01886 0324, online portal or mobile app, ensuring that help is always available when you need it.
If you want to download the app, you can vist the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Summarise everything and leave a take away message, make sure you include areas for further reading.
Support your employees with an EAP
With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.
Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.