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The 8 Voices of Laziness and How to Overcome Them

Voices of Laziness & How to Overcome Them

According to a study from Deloitte, 70 percent of respondents binge watch streaming content. This means watching an average of five television shows (50-minutes long) in one sitting. Do we have a laziness epidemic on our hands? It’s possible. Laziness is something everyone struggles with to varying degrees. There are many different sources of our laziness. Most of the time, we aren’t aware of these causes. Instead, we just feel lazy. As with procrastination, laziness is a symptom, not a cause. Laziness is pervasive because it has many voices and expressions that influence our behavior. Here are the eight voices of laziness:

  1. Confusion:“I don’t know what to do.”
  2. Neurotic Fear:“I just can’t.”
  3. Fixed Mindset:“I’m afraid I’ll fail or look stupid.”
  4. Lethargy:“I’m too tired. I don’t have the energy.”
  5. Apathy:“I just don’t care about anything.”
  6. Regret:“I’m too old to get started. It’s too late.”
  7. Identity:“I’m just a lazy person.”
  8. Shame:“I shouldn’t be so lazy.”

Excerpt from Psych Central, read the full article

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