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Cycle to Work Day

Cycle to Work Day 2024

Cycle to Work Day sees millions take to the saddle each year. All joining forces to celebrate this undervalued form of commute. The one-day event takes place 4th August 2024 and has been running for over ten years. The day encourages commuters across the country to reap the benefits of cycling in the workplace and beyond.

Cycling to work contributes to a greener planet, saves you money spent on petrol or train tickets and helps you get fit in the process. Many also find that cycling to work helps them feel motivated and energetic throughout their workday. Forget runners high. Cycling success seems to be the new thing.

If you’re thinking of getting involved this year, have a read of our tips on preparing for Cycle to Work Day. Whether you’re an avid cycle enthusiast or want to try something new!

Spread the word

Doing something out of your comfort zone is a great way to boost your confidence. But you don’t have to go it alone – encourage your colleagues to get involved too. This can be great to get the whole team involved in the biking action. You could even take it a step further and look for local bike routes near you. For employees looking to do something together this summer, cycling to work could be a great option to promote team building and create a happier, healthier workforce.

Bike safety check

Don’t hop on the road in the morning without checking your bike is in good working condition. Give the tyres a pump if they need it. Check the breaks are working. Twist the gears to see if they are still moving. Bikes left in storage for a long time tend to get rusty, so it’s best to give them a once-over before you hit the road. All it takes is two minutes to ensure you're safe, steady and ready to get peddling.

All the gear

Safety is always the priority. Make sure you have a helmet that fits properly. Helmets are essential and help you enjoy the ride without worrying about any injuries. Reflective gear like a hi-vis vest or fluorescent strips for your bike can be good for visibility. Bright colours can help on rainy or cloudy days when it's more difficult to spot cyclists on the roads.

Plan your route

Before speeding off, it’s a good idea to plan your route. It might not be the usual commute you take to work – so familiarise yourself with the kinds of roads you’ll be passing. You might want to pick a route that has wide, flat roads to make it a little easier on the legs. If you have time, you could even give it a trial run beforehand. Then you can relax and enjoy the breeze on the big day.

Oh, and the last thing. Enjoy it. It's not every day you get to boost your mood, boost the planet and boost the funds in your wallet. Happy riding!

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With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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