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Resilience Awareness

Resilience Awareness & Self Awareness

Self-awareness helps you build resilience so you’re able to bounce back from any setback in your life.

When you understand your strengths and also areas for improvement, you’re able to adjust accordingly, acquire extra knowledge when necessary, and make positive decisions that reflect who you really are.

When we ‘burn out’, we experience mental and emotional exhaustion leading to a reduced level of satisfaction from our lives. Feelings of self-doubt creep in, as do harmful ways of achieving our unmet emotional needs. Whether that involves alcohol, food, smoking or other harmful means of self-medication.

As human beings, we are adept to finding ways to squash the truth of what we are really feeling. We become so convinced that sometimes we are oblivious to the impact our habits and addictions are taking, dampening our ability to be in tune with our emotions.

Ways you can improve your resilience

• Reflect on the degree to which you feel your own emotional needs are being met.

• Catch up on the basics: Sleep well, eat properly.

• Spend time surrounding yourself with people and activities you enjoy.

• Connect with others who share your goals.

• Forward-thinking: Start to challenge negative thinking.

• Remember: You can’t change the past, but you can always look toward the future.

• Be proactive: Don’t ignore your problems, instead, figure out what needs to be done, make a plan and take action

Resilience won’t make your problems go away but resilience can give you the ability to see past them, find enjoyment in life and better handle stress. If you aren’t as resilient as you’d like to be, Health Assured is on hand to help develop the necessary skills; it just takes practise.

Discover how and EAP from Health Assured can improve your staffs wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.

Support your employees with an EAP

With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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