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How to Encourage Positive Conversation in the Workplace

Encouraging Positive Conversation at work

Relationships and team building in the workplace are crucial to success. Every member of staff should have positive working relationships with one another and be encouraged to support colleagues to help the organisation succeed.

If the atmosphere in the workplace is not positive and strong working relationships are not built, productivity and efficiency will decrease, which can hinder the performance of the whole company.

In this guide, we will detail the various ways to encourage and achieve positive, open communication within the workplace.

Encourage social activities

A great way to build positive relationships between staff members is to encourage team socialisation. Organising company events such as team away days, group training and social gatherings will contribute to a positive atmosphere in the workplace.

Consider setting up a social calendar for the business and include each employee so they receive updates on planned events. You could even introduce a social committee, inviting members of staff to join together and plan your company events. This will ensure that each team member feels involved and that their views on social activities have been taken into account.

Lead by example

In any workplace, business leaders have a responsibility to set an example to employees. If senior members of staff are seen to create a culture of closed communication and are unapproachable, employees will take note and conduct themselves in the same manner.

Creating a culture of open communication and a company which encourages supportive conversations will ensure that employees feel positive and valued within the organisation.

Ensure staff are trained

A negative atmosphere in the workplace can contribute to employee stress and mental health issues. If staff don’t have the right support and advice from senior team members, the stress can impact productivity, creativity and efficiency.

To ensure that employees are trained and have extensive knowledge on what questions to ask and what advice to give, mental health first aid training can help businesses offer a proactive approach to mental health issues within the workplace. This training will help to encourage positive conversations and wellbeing for all members of staff.

Use professional services for support

Some businesses may not feel comfortable or properly qualified to support and advise employees on positive relationships in the workplace, and understandably so. This is where our Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) can support companies to help their staff. An EAP will ensure that employees are happier, healthier and more motivated in their positions.

EAP support comes in many different forms, it can come through online support such as webinars and videos, educating business leaders on how to support employees and through face-to-face counselling, allowing staff to speak to a BACP accredited professional.

Encouraging positive conversation and relationships in the workplace is key to the success of any business. Happy and healthy employees means increased productivity, which can ensure that your clients and customers are as happy as possible. If you need help in choosing the right support, get in touch with one of our wellbeing experts today.

Support your employees with an EAP

With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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