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Staying on track with your apprenticeship 

Staying on track with your apprenticeship

Apprenticeships are a great way to learn new skills in the working environment. They can provide industry-real insights, on-the-job training, and valuable learnings from the people you work alongside.

That said, it can be challenging to juggle the assignments or training you're required to complete alongside your time at work. So in this guide, we’ll be looking at some helpful tips to help you stay on track with your apprenticeship.

Prioritise organisation

Learning on the job isn’t easy, so we recommend purchasing a diary or planner to keep track of key dates, deadlines and notes. Depending on the type of apprenticeship you’ve chosen, you’ll have varying degrees of off-the-job learning you’ll need to undertake, and this can be time-consuming alongside your working hours each week.

By writing down your deadlines, creating lists and making organisation a priority, you can stay on top of things and give yourself enough time to get everything done without getting overwhelmed.

Get good at communicating

If you’re ever struggling with your workload or stuck on a challenging topic, the best thing you can do is speak up. Whether it’s in the workplace or with your training or education provider, seek support before things get out of control. Try to ask questions where you can and get guidance where you need it; this way you won’t fall into the trap of letting things build up and get beyond control.

Building a support network

A good support network can help you through the most difficult times. To do this, try spending time with other apprentices or strengthening bonds with colleagues. Having a handful of people you can rely on in these moments is important because it allows you to work through any issues you might be facing with the support of others. An alternative perspective can be beneficial, especially if you’re dealing with something for the first time. Connecting with other apprentices can be a great way to gain feedback and support from people who know exactly what you are going through.

Managing your money

Sometimes apprenticeships can pay a little less than other full-time roles because you’re learning as you go. In the long run, this is a benefit as you’ll gain qualifications and skills in a field you’re interested in that might take even longer to accumulate otherwise. And while this foot in the door might come at a small cost right now, in the long run, you’ll be fully qualified.

This does however mean that sometimes apprentices can find it difficult to manage their money while they’re training. One thing you can do to support yourself during this time is to ensure that you’re managing your money effectively. By working out your budget and focusing on financial wellbeing, you can eliminate any financial stresses that might add to your worries. Read our article on five financial tips for students to help you stay on track.

Support from Health Assured

For more support on how to stay on track with your apprenticeship, remember that our Student Assistance Programme helpline is available anytime.

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Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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