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Enjoying healthier versions of Easter foods

Poor old Easter. It's not the healthiest of holidays and has an unfortunate reputation for being all about chocolate. Here's how to overhaul traditional celebratory foods and treats to look after your wellbeing this Easter: Instead of chocolate eggs: try celebrating with real eggs. Duck eggs make a wonderful change from hens' eggs and are usually a beautiful pale pastel colour. Whip up a deluxe Easter breakfast using eggs to show that the real thing can be just as sumptuous as chocolate. Instead of roast lamb with all the trimmings: build your Easter meal around excellent quality meat, and pile your plate high with vegetables. Go for seasonal, colourful veg and don't overcook them (or the meat). Avoid too much in the way of sauces, sides and accompaniments. That's where the diet-damage is done. Instead of hot cross buns: why not make your own? It's a lovely thing to do with the family, and the results are far nicer than anything you could buy in the shops. Get even healthier by seeking out recipes which use almond flour and try to cut down on the sugar. Are you serving up Easter food in the workplace, or giving Easter gifts to team members? Make this the year you turn the tide on sugar and chocolate. Thoughtful corporate gifts and employee benefits which boost health and wellness will make you stand out as an employer who really cares. Our employee benefits experts can help you brainstorm and implement your plans. The Easter Holiday is a great time to get outside and celebrate Spring. Spending time outdoors is proven to boost mental and physical wellbeing in many ways, from topping up on Vitamin D to helping offset depression. Go for a bike ride or long walk with family and friends Depending on the ages and fitness levels of your party, go for an off-road bike ride on local cycle paths, or simply a long walk. The point is to find a way for a group of you to enjoy fresh air, sunlight and your surroundings. Social exercise is great for the cardiovascular system and the soul! Find a gorgeous spot for a healthy picnic. Pack up your favourite healthy eats and head off to a local park, riverbank, beach or other outdoor beauty spot. Try homemade scotch eggs, hummus with vegetables, chicken and vegetable skewers, fresh berries, homemade lean meatballs, rice or quinoa salad, raw nuts or healthy trail mix. Explore your local area on foot. Most of us never get round to seeing the most beautiful and interesting places in our town or borough. Make this the holiday where you pledge to actually explore all your local area has to offer. As an added bonus you'll get some exercise and fresh air. Pay a visit to a local landmark, animal sanctuary or nature reserve. A lovely idea for families with children, but equally good to enjoy by yourself. Your town's local nature reserve, animal sanctuary, landmark or gardens are likely to be hosting events over the Easter holidays, making it a great time to visit. If your employees need ideas for spending an active and outdoorsy Easter holidays, ask the wellness experts at Health Assured to help you put together a package which will benefit them.

Great Easter gifts (which won't cause a sugar crash!)

Whether you're giving Easter gifts to friends, family, children, colleagues, team members or employees, make this the year you care for other people's health by choosing more wisely. Here are some ideas to spark the imagination. Easter flowers: Easter is all about new life, and what is more Spring-like than a gorgeous bunch of brightly coloured cut flowers? Find out what their favourite flowers are (or what colours they like) or go for yellows, whites and oranges for a burst of freshness. Plants or seeds for the garden: Here's a gift that will keep on giving. Give green-fingered friends or employees young plants or seeds for flowers or even vegetables or herbs. It's a really thoughtful gift that embodies the spirit of Easter. Tickets to an outdoor event: There's plenty going on over the Easter weekend so why not find out what kind of outdoor event they'd love to attend, and surprise them with tickets? This could be an activity, an open house or garden, a fair or an Easter egg hunt. Healthy Easter hampers: With a little thought, you can put together beautiful Easter hampers full of healthy delicious treats. You could even make and bake some items to give the hamper a really personal touch. Make your own Easter egg hunt: Children will love to wake up on Easter morning to a homemade Easter egg hunt in the garden. Use foil-wrapped miniature eggs and remember to put the treats at a range of heights to suit the age of the participants. Paint your own Easter eggs: If your children love crafts, teach them how to blow and paint real eggs this year, or reveal the magic that is adding foods (like red onion, coffee, turmeric) to the water when you boil eggs. Are you putting together an Easter event or employee benefit scheme this year? Let us support you as you develop, implement and roll out fantastic ideas for the entire workforce. Get in touch to see how our employee benefits experts can help.

Support your employees with an EAP

With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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