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World Mental Health Day 2024

Why We Need World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is on October 10th every year. The day has been created to help spread more awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health matters.

Mental health can affect anyone, anywhere, and at any time, which is why the theme for World Mental Health Day 2024 is ‘Mental Health is a Universal Human Right’.

While progress has been made over the years, there are still many harmful stigmas surrounding mental health. This awareness day, which is recognised by The World Health Organisation, aims to help create an open forum for discussions about what we can do to ensure mental health issues are taken as seriously as physical health issues.

When Did World Mental Health Awareness Day Begin?

World Mental Health Awareness Day began in 1992 as part of an initiative that the World Federation for Mental Health put in place. The idea was first conceived by the organisation’s Deputy Secretary General, Richard Hunter.

Over the last 31 years, this day has grown into a worldwide effort to collectively highlight mental health matters and unite us all in helping to support people with mental health issues.

What Causes Poor Mental Health?

There’s no one specific cause for mental health issues developing. For most people, a wide range of factors will play a part in affecting their mental health at work and in life, but this will vary depending on each specific individual.

Below are some of the potential things that may lead to poor mental health.

  • Loneliness and social isolation
  • Poor housing/living conditions
  • Poverty, debt, and other financial problems
  • Domestic violence and domestic abuse
  • Being the victim of a traumatic crime
  • Head injuries or neurological conditions
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Bigotry and discrimination
  • Childhood trauma and abuse
  • Long-term stress
  • Bereavement

Spotting the Signs of Mental Health Struggles

Being able to spot the early signs of mental health issues, whether for loved ones or yourself, can play an important role in helping to prevent them becoming worse. Some signs of a potential mental health issue developing are listed below:

  • Fluctuating low to high moods
  • Constant fear, worry, and anxiety
  • Sleeping too little/too much
  • Significant changes in appetite
  • A constant irritability
  • A constant feeling of hopelessness

How Can I Help Raise Awareness and Do my Part?

Doing your part for World Mental Health Day 2024 doesn’t have to involve making a huge gesture. Like many things in life, it’s sometimes the smaller things that are important.

Never forget that if you’re checking in on loved ones, being brave enough to speak honestly about your own mental health, and helping to make these discussions happen, then you’re already playing a pivotal role.

World Mental Health Day: Final Thoughts

For World Mental Health Day, never forget to support others but to also prioritise your own wellbeing too. Health Assured’s Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) offer support, advice, and guidance on a wide range of mental health matters. If you, or someone you know, are ever struggling with mental health issues, our qualified counsellors are ready to listen to you, 24/7.

Find out more about EAP’s

Support your employees with an EAP

With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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