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How to cope with redundancy 

How to cope with redundancy

A job can provide financial security, community, and a sense of purpose. So it's understandable that redundancy is a difficult process to go through.

But it’s important to remember it’s the job that's redundant in the organisation, not you. People go through redundancy every day, all over the world—you are not alone.

Adopting the view of redundancy as one of the uglier yet inescapable truths of the commercial world is one of the best ways to perceive an event like this. And while that might not always be easy, it might just keep you going through this challenging experience.

We’ve put together some tips below to help you support your wellbeing during these times.

Look after yourself

As with any change, the shifts it causes in your life will be new and possibly uncomfortable at first. Remember to look after yourself and prioritise your health and wellbeing. Ensure you have the basics covered, like getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, limiting alcohol consumption, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly.

Try not to feel guilty about taking some time for yourself right now and make some time for the things you enjoy. It's rare to have all this free time, so if you can, try to make the most of it. In doing so, you’ll give your mental health a boost too.

Know your legal rights

There are laws and regulations around redundancy that mean your employer must treat you fairly. If you think that you’ve been treated unfairly in any way, make sure you raise this with your employer. You might feel that discrimination is involved, or maybe you’re unsure if you’ve received the correct pay. If you have any doubts, ensure you review your rights and entitlements. Citizens Advice offer lots of information on how to check if your redundancy is fair.

Budget Check

To combat any worries you might be feeling about making your money last while you’re searching for a new job, it can help to review your budget. Figure out how far your redundancy pay will stretch if you have some, and consider all the ingoings and outgoings you have each month. Think about where you can cut back and consider if you are entitled to any Jobseeker’s Allowance to tide you over until you find something new.

Take time to reset

Although it’s important to get back on the bandwagon and start searching for work, try to balance this and not run into burnout along the way. Perspective is everything, and although it might be difficult to view this event positively, it could be the perfect opportunity to try out a new career path or venture down a route you’ve always considered.

Check in with how you’re feeling

Losing a job can bring up a range of emotions—which is entirely normal. You might feel down and upset about the loss, or you may even feel a sense of relief too. However you’re feeling, allow yourself some time to express and experience these emotions in a way that feels comfortable to you; it could be by writing things down, speaking to close friends and family or seeking counselling support.

Talking helps you get your emotions off your chest and take a step back, allowing you to carve a path forward.

Support is always there

Remember that you are not alone. There are plenty of places you can seek support when you need it, whether that's with your finances or wellbeing. We’ve put together some useful links below:

ACAS – information on employee rights, notice periods and pay

Money Helper – help managing budgets and finances

Samaritans – a place to go if you need someone to talk to

If you have an employee assistance programme with Health Assured, we’re here for you 24 hours a day. Get in touch via the helpline to speak to one of our counsellors or legal and financial specialists.

Support your employees with an EAP

With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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