Stoptober 2017

Stoptober is a 28 day event which is run each October, during which time participants are encouraged to stop smoking.

Last year, out of the 2.5 million smokers who tried to quit smoking, 500,000 were successful is maintaining a permanent change; the highest recorded success rate, up from 13.6% 6 years ago.

More importantly, according to recent data from Nielsen, the number of cigarettes sold in England and Wales has dropped by 20% in the last 2 years. Furthermore, the smoking rate has also fallen to below 17% for the first time.

Stoptober is now back for a fifth year. It starts on 1st October and is a great scheme based on research showing that if a smoker has not smoked by day 28, then they are 5 times more likely to quit smoking for good.

Advantages of trying Stobtober to quit smoking:

  • Your skin may become smoother and brighter;
  • You will not smell;
  • Your sense of smell and taste could improve;
  • If you do manage to quit, then you could save around £2,000.00 in the next year;
  • Most importantly, you could live longer.

Advantages of continuing smoking:

  • Absolutely none! There’s no excuse.

Half of all long term smokers die early from smoking related diseases, including heart disease, lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. The odds aren’t good for smokers, and with success rates for quitting smoking being higher than ever, it has never been a better time to stop.

Men who quit smoking by the age of 30 add 10 years to their life, whereas people who quit smoking at the age of 60 add 3 years to their life. There’s no such thing as being too late to quit, but the sooner you make the change, the better.

To conclude, it is never too late to stop smoking, as not only will it add years to your life, but it will also greatly reduce your chances of a disease and live a happier and healthier life. Smoking is a thing of the past and steps are being taken to reduce temptation such as cigarette packs now being sold with images of people with smoking related illnesses.

Thinking of quitting? Well, now is the right time to make this decision and quit smoking. You will not regret this decision.

For more help and support please contact the Health Assured counselling team or visit the Health and Wellbeing Portal

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